30 Years of Principles, 1 Tool to Help You Win

Jim Collins, author, researcher, speaker, and consultant compiled his life’s work into one strategic tool, THE MAP. Each component of this tool walks us through the inputs to reach the three desired outputs of Superior Results, Distinctive Impact, and Lasting Endurance. We can all agree that leading a company that is excelling financially, making an impact, and leaving a long-term legacy is the definition of winning.

Let’s go through THE MAP to find out how we can achieve these goal-worthy results and win...

The first three stages, which we’ll dive into, all revolve around DISCIPLINE. Disciplined People. Disciplined Thought. Disciplined Action. It takes real discipline to achieve greatness.

Below is an overview of the components within stages 1-3. For an in-depth discussion on each concept, check out this interactive map: https://www.jimcollins.com/concepts.html

Stage 1: Disciplined People

  • First Who, Then What — It all begins with People. Without the right people, we will not reach the desired outputs (or make any real progress for that matter). First, get the right people, and THEN figure out where you’re going. Let that sink in. A lot of times we do this the other way around.

  • Level 5 Leadership — Of course we need strong and capable leaders to lead the right people or what Collins calls “Level 5” leaders, who have a mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They are passionate about the company’s mission and their ambition is first and foremost for the organization and its purpose, not themselves. We know how important a high-functioning leadership team is for an organization’s success and health, so this should come as no surprise.

Stage 2: Disciplined Thought

  • Genius of the AND — We shouldn’t be forced into making one decision at the detriment of the other. It’s not an OR but instead an AND. We should make decisions that are both profitable AND in line with our purpose. It will benefit us in the long term AND short term.

  • Confront the brutal facts — Don’t hide from the facts even when they may be unpleasant. Even more important than that is never wavering in the fact that you will prevail… Face the Facts + Have Faith!

  • Hedgehog concept — This is the joining of three circles: 1) what you are deeply passionate about, 2) what you can be the best in the world at, and 3) what best drives your economic engine. When you consistently make decisions at the intersection of these three elements, you will be unstoppable.

Stage 3: Disciplined Action

  • The Flywheel — I strongly believe in this concept and have seen the dramatic impact it can have when teams unlock their Flywheel. This is truly where disciplined thought comes to life and turns into disciplined action. It is not about one single decision, program, or innovation, but rather the series of decisions that resemble a flywheel which builds momentum with every turn until breakthrough.

  • 20 Mile March — To get to breakthrough momentum on the flywheel requires extreme focus. The 20 Mile March stresses consistent performance in a world of uncertainty and chaos. Set a realistic target that you can hit consistently and stick to it no matter what.

  • Fire Bullets then Cannonballs — Do small experimenting before making the large bet. Fire bullets to find out which ideas work, and then use your findings to fire the cannonball. This reduces our risk and enables us to try out ideas before investing a lot of our time and money in them. Test the market and increase your chances of success.

These three stages are the foundation for our outputs. Before we can move any further and reach the desired outputs, we MUST get these three stages right. This is the journey…Not an easy one, but no doubt a worthwhile endeavor.

Do you truly want to win? Where can you be more disciplined?

When you get your People, Decisions, and Actions right, then “Superior Results, Distinctive Impact, and Lasting Endurance” will be a viable destination for you.