Build a “Get It Done” Culture That Accelerates Growth

Does this resonate:

  • We have strong core values that everyone is living and breathing.

  • We have the right people in the right seats.

  • We have done all the hard work to define a clear and differentiated strategy.

  • We are EXECUTING on that strategy.

  • We have momentum and growth is happening!

 But now what? (Congratulations, by the way!)

How do we keep moving in the right direction, stay focused, and maintain this culture of execution? A culture where everyone in the organization is aligned around a common goal and we’re all committed to achieving it. A culture where accountability runs deep, and we all know what needs to be done. This can become particularly challenging as we grow and there are more people to keep aligned. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It just takes focus and intentional efforts. 

Here are some tips for maintaining your culture of execution as you grow. Take special note of anything that you can actually do to EXECUTE change as it relates to your organization:

  • Create crystal clear Big ROCKS and stay focused on them. What is it that you want to achieve? Keep this front and center. It can be easy to get sidetracked when growing, so it’s important to stay focused on your Big ROCKS. When there’s a clear understanding of your priorities and they’re top of mind, it’s easier for them to become embedded in your culture.

  • Communicate effectively. Make sure everyone in the organization understands the ROCKS, and how their day-to-day work contributes to achieving them. Keep everyone updated about plans, progress, and challenges that you are facing.

  • Empower employees. Give employees the authority and resources they need to take action. As you hire new people in your growing organization, be sure to empower them by modeling the right behaviors. Action is contagious!

  • Celebrate successes. When employees and departments achieve their goals, be sure to celebrate their successes. This will help to keep people motivated and focused on achieving results. Again, action is contagious!

  • Hold people accountable. As your organization grows, it’s important to hold people accountable for their results. This means setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and taking action when performance does not meet expectations. Creating a culture of accountability makes everyone want to perform for each other and themselves.

We have to build on what got us where we are. We didn’t get here by sitting back and just letting things happen. We got here by putting in the work to define our focus and obsessively staying on course to achieve it.

As more and more people get on board and join your mission, you can’t risk losing your “get it done” mentality.

Execution is truly the key to scaling up our businesses. If we can’t execute, our strategy is useless. So don’t let that hard work go to waste… Incorporate these tips, keep marching on your journey, and continue scaling!